Membership FAQ

Can I run with you before I decide to join?

COBS don't expect anybody to pay for membership before running with us. We strongly recommend you try and run with us for a few weeks before deciding whether the club is for you and if you want to join. There are several clubs in Birmingham who all have their own website. You can research different clubs before you decide who to affiliate to.

How much is the membership fee?

The membership fee is £45 per year, covering the April to April year. Membership can be started at any time from April in one year to March in the next - the sooner you take up membership, the more time you get as a member. If you're a new member joining the club for the first time, the membership fee also includes a free t-shirt or vest. 

If you can't afford the membership fee, speak to a member of the committee in confidence so we can work out how to help you.

What does the membership fee go towards

£17 (£19 from 1 April 2024) goes to our governing body England Athletics (EA) to affiliate you individually to EA as a club athlete. 

An annual club subscription fee to England Athletics. This gives us registered club status which includes payment of Public Liability Insurance, access to specialised legal advice and club support from a regional Club Support Manager. Without Public Liability Insurance there could not be a running club or runs.

What are club funds spent on? How do I benefit?

Training of volunteers to LiRF/CiRF (leader/coach in running fitness) qualification level so that club runs are insured and all runners benefit from led or coached training sessions. All sessions are open to any runner without additional cost. Without the money to fund LiRF/CiRF club runs, led/coached sessions could not take place.

Training of club volunteers to become qualified officials for competitive events where we compete, and for welfare officers.

Running the website and associated costs.

Affiliation fees to Warwickshire Athletic Association, Midland Cross Country League and Midland Counties Athletics Association.

Other costs, for example, venue costs and awards for our AGM and awards ceremony, and any equipment we may need.

Expenditure is at the discretion of the Committee - accounts for the previous year are made available at the AGM.

What are the additional benefits of paid membership?

Individual training plans devised by a club coach.

Represent club at cross country and autumn/spring relay races 

Attend and vote at the Club AGM, and put resolutions to the AGM

Stand to join the committee

Enter the club ballot for the club's London Marathon place (subject to meeting qualifying criteria)

Discounts at running stores such as Up & Running and - your membership has to be current to validate the discounts

Discounts on EA registered races - EA will automatically check your EA number for race entries

If you have any questions that haven't been answered above, please email